David Black
Executive Director
Sid Jacobson JCC
David Black has served as the Executive Director of Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center since 2011. Previously David served as the Associate Vice President of Yeshiva University, Chief Executive Officer of the French Institute Alliance Française and the Executive Director of the JCC in Manhattan. He is the founder of the popular New York celebration of the Quatorze Juillet on 60th Street and has been awarded the title of Chevalier, Order National Du Merite, by the French Government in 1998.
David is the founding President of the American Friends of Yahad In Unum, a national non-profit association that supports interfaith relations and the exposure of genocide wherever it occurs. YAHAD also supports the work of Father Patrick Desbois in uncovering the killing fields of the Holocaust and documenting the history of what happened to vast Jewish communities that perished outside of concentration camps during World War II. In his tenure at the JCC, David has developed Long Island’s first Center for Israel, vastly expanded the Cancer Wellness Center, and is a founder of the JCC’s Center for Community Engagement, developing volunteerism, outreach to those in need and projects serving social justice.